A Brief History

This congregation had its beginning in December of 1965. Three families separated from the 10th & Grant Street congregation over doctrinal issues of institutionalism and some forms of interchurch cooperation that are unfounded in the pages of the New Testament. Five members and eight children began worshipping in the home of the R. C. Richardson family. Worship continued there for about three years until a very old and small church building became vacant and was rented at 113 S. Center.

In 1977, the congregation purchased a larger building, originally built by Mennonites in the early 1900s, at the corner of 7th & Bell, which had been used by a denominational church for decades. Initially, and over the years, we have completed many repairs and improvements to the historic building, including complete restoration after the basement flooded. Worship services and various bible studies and classes were first held here in October of 1977 and continue today. 

We greatly appreciate the support of some visiting preachers early on and through the years, including Connie Adams, Leon Odom, Harold Fite and others.

Many people hesitate to visit a church unless they know what it will be like when they go. Perhaps we can help you know what to expect when you visit one of our services.

What You Won't Find

  • Don't expect to be embarrassed. You will visit us as a welcomed and respected guest. No person will approach you in such a manner as to annoy you.
  • Don't expect to be entertained. We offer no bands, choirs, or talent shows. No refreshments will be served. Our purpose is to worship God in the way He has directed.
  • Don't expect to be begged for money. The church depends on the local members only for financial support.
  • Don't expect any show of ostentation. We are not interested in impressing anyone with our building nor are we seeking to impress with ritualism or sensationalism.

What To Expect

Expect the worship to be simple and devout. Since our purpose is to be governed in all acts of worship by the Bible alone, our worship consists of only those elements which were part of the worship of the early church. We sing spiritual songs, pray often, partake of the Lord's Supper each Sunday, teach God's word, and give as we have been prospered. We seek to maintain the attitude Christ enjoined when He said: “God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him is spirit and truth,” (John 4:24).

Expect  acapella congregational singing. Since the new Testament instructs Christians to sing in worship, (Ephesians 5:19) and (Colossians 3:16), we encourage everyone to sing.

Expect to find Christians. We wear no distinctive name that would divide Bible believers. We submit to no religious authority other than the inspired scriptures. Thus, by following only the teachings of Christ and His Apostles, we are simply Christians, (Acts 11:26), just as His disciples were in the first century.

Expect to find a friendly spirit and atmosphere. We believe that friendliness is a natural attribute of God's people. As a visitor, you will always receive a warm welcome from us. We truly hope you will accept our invitation to visit us soon.

Enjoy the day the Lord has given us,
The Saints at Seventh and Bell