Questions about Salvation:

Can I simply be saved by being a good person?

I know that God was very strict in the Old Testament, but today, with the grace of Jesus, isn’t God much less severe?

How could God forgive me after all the sins that I have done?

Are my parents lost because they did not practice the things which you teach?

How could a Loving and Merciful God send me to Hell?

Why do you say that only adults should be baptized, wouldn’t it be logical to baptize babies if we are born sinful?

Questions about the Church:

What is the Church?

I’m searching for a new church home. What should I be looking for?

Why do I need to go to Church? Everyone there is a Hypocrite Anyway.

I heard that the church of Christ believes that they’re the only ones going to heaven. Is that what you think?

Question about the Historicity of Jesus:

Is there historical evidence that can confirm the Gospel Account?

Questions about Life:

What is a Christian?

Does God have a special plan for me?

Is it wrong to doubt God?

What is God’s will?

Am I really doing God’s will?

I don’t love my spouse anymore, did I marry the wrong person?

Will we recognize each other in heaven?

Questions about Sin:

I’ve heard that the Bible talks about an “Unforgivable Sin”. What is this sin and what if I’ve already committed it?

How could God forgive me after all the sins that I have done?

What is the real origin of satan?

Questions about Doctrines:

Isn’t calling on the name of the Lord simply saying the Sinner’s Prayer in order to be saved?

Where do you get the “direct command, approved example, and necessary inference” idea from?

I’ve been taught that once you’re truly saved, then your salvation is forever secure. Is that true?

Question about the Holy Spirit:

I need help understanding the Holy Spirit and His work.